BUMN Subscriber Homecoming Self-insurance, Up To 100 Million Rupees Insured

Jakarta PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia or Asuransi Jasindo sent people back home to their hometown of Istora Senayan in Jakarta on Wednesday (4/19).

According to Andy Samuel, Director of Asuransi Jasindo, Jasindo’s participation in the free homecoming initiated by the State Department is aimed at reducing the number of accidents during repatriation and repatriation campaigns during Eid 2023.

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In his autobiography on Thursday (April 20, 2023), he said, “In addition, this free homecoming is a form of our concern for those who have run out of Eid tickets or have difficulty booking.”

The free return routes with this bus are Jakarta – Bandalampung, Jakarta – Cirebon – Kuningan, Jakarta – Breves – Tegal – Pemalang – Pekalongan, Jakarta – Purwokerto – Kebumin – Kota Wargo – Furorejo , Jakarta – Barakan – Temanjung – Magelang, Jakarta – Semarang – Kudos, Jakarta – Kartosoro – Klaten – Yogyakarta, Jakarta – Semarang – Boyolari – Solo – Wonogiri, Jakarta – Surabaya .

“The departure schedule will be two days at 09.00 WIB on April 18 and April 19, 2023 in Senayan, Jakarta,” added Andy.

He said the free repatriation program also has personal injury insurance, home fire insurance and theft insurance with a protection value of IDR 100 million, with a protection period of up to 15 days.

In line with Rizal Ariansyah, Director of Human Resources Andy of the Indian Financial Group (IFG), this joint repatriation effort is part of IFG’s role, helping those who wish to return to their home countries, and letting their loved ones visit privately on this day.

Last year, IFG sent 600 participants home and this year it aims to send about 1,850 participants. The conditions that must be met to participate in this repatriation effort are also not difficult. Register your resident registration number according to your resident registration card (KTP) and/or family card (KK) and get vaccinated against COVID-19.

On Tuesday, 18 April 2023, 5 buses and 240 passengers left IFG, and on Wednesday, 19 April 2023, 35 buses and 1,660 passengers remained.

Rizal also added that he hopes that the 2023 BUMN Joint Mudik program will prioritize participants from underprivileged groups, thereby mitigating potential road accident risks for travelers.

“In addition to helping those in need return home, this program is expected to transform two-wheeled commuters into safer and more comfortable travel with buses that pass ramp inspection tests and bus drivers that pass ramps. Check out the test. drug test.

Source: https://kirehaya.com/



